Saturday, July 6, 2013

Recorder Fundamentals and Exercises

After teaching a year of recorder, I learned alot! My 4th graders exceeded my expectations with the amount of skills they mastered. 5th grade left more to be desired.

This year is going to be a little different as far as scheduling. We will only have half the group of 5th, 6th and 7th graders for a semester. After the semester is over, the classes will switch and I will have the other half. That being said, my recorder plans had to change.

This year, I created a powerpoint to guide my beginning recorder teaching. This has all the basics and fundamentals written out with exercises for the first notes, B, A, and G.

I didn't include songs because we have a class set of recorder method books and the kids are ordering a Recorder Karate book for themselves this year. Using stands and reading from a method book was a huge hit last year! I had numerous requests for a take home copy of the book.

As always, I uploaded the Powerpoints to Google Docs. Simply click the link below to open Google Docs and under File (within the Docs window) select download. Then you have a copy on your computer.

Beginning Recorder Powerpoint

I also created a Year 2 powerpoint with the rest of the notes and a C scale. I will probably use this during the fourth grade, but I designed it with 5th graders in mind. Again, I didn't include songs because we use the method book.

Recorder Year 2


  1. Wow! Thank you for the download. I've been meaning to do something like this for about 15 years.

  2. Thank you! I appreciate you posting your recorder lesson plan. It has been very helpful for my daughter who wants to get an early start to the recorder over the summer :)

  3. You just made my job so much easier. Thank you!!
