Thursday, February 27, 2014

BAG Bingo

As we are finishing up Recorder Olympics, I am also finishing my Student Growth Goal Data for this year. I set a goal to have 80% or more of 4th grade to pass a quiz reading B, A and G from the staff. We've been drilling these notes so that everyone is familiar! I finished my data last night and 71 of 73 test takers exceeded my goal! Hooray!

That being said, I was looking for a fun BAG activity and couldn't find much available so I made BAG Bingo. These cards have BAG patterns with eighths, quarters and half notes. They are simple and straight to the point. (I intend to make them pretty, though!)

I printed mine on plain white paper, laminated and cut it down to a square card. I wish I had used colored paper but I made these Saturday to use Monday. On Monday, I let the kids partner up. I played a pattern (I kept my own card for checking purposes) and they covered their card based on what I played. This is a great note reading, ear training, and melodic dictation kind of activity and my kids loved it! They are begging to play again. This is even something I plan to leave for a sub (I will appoint a student to play the patterns.)

Get your class set (22) of cards here!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. What type of bingo game is this? And how do you play it?
    12BET Number Game
