Sunday, July 28, 2013

Singing Tips Posters for Choir

I've been searching for some sort of poster to display in my room to help my choir remember the fundamentals. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted to I decided to make it.

There are 7 posters in all that include basic singing tips such as breathing, posture, performing, listening, and being positive and prepared. Here are a few examples.

You can download the PDF HERE

The borders are not my own creation. I found them for free on from the following stores:
Digital Swirls Creations
Teacher Clipart
The 3am Teacher
Lovin Lit
Wild About 5th
Graphics from the Pond

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Also, I found a great freebie on Pinterest today from These signs look very helpful so I simply downloaded them and put them into a PDF to make them easier to print. These are not my own creation.

Download the PDF HERE

1 comment:

  1. Don't be afraid to use uncommon fonts, but not too many. For a gig or concert performance, an unusual font may be totally appropriate where it wouldn't work anywhere else.
